
the long and short of it

For every similarity that the kiddos possess there are about fifty differences that cover everything from personality to eating style to hair.  It's the hair that really sets both twins apart - to the general public anyway.  In reality, there are very few physical traits that the pairs share - the occasional crinkling of an eye - a similar laugh - but beyond that everything from body type to eye color is unique.  I always get a chuckle when people ask me if their identical.  I always get a chuckle when they say "I bet you can tell them apart by their hair".  I smile and nod while thinking "yes.. that, and just about every other feature they possess!"  But let's stick with the hair here, shall we?


big boy bed bonanza

The time has come, their parents said, to talk of many tales, of boys and girls, and sleepy time, of beds without a rail... The memorial day weekend was hot, and we had cleaned up the remains of their crib drawers for the last time (or so we thought).  Spurred into action by Alex's twice daily death-defying leaps over the side of his crib, Tony and I thought it time to finally covert their cribs to day beds once and for all - and hopefully spare the neck of our youngest child in the process.  While the kiddos had a wee sleep over at Mimi and PopPops, Tony took apart the cribs, I cleaned the bedding, we vacuumed, dusted, and got the big boy room all ready for its big reveal on Monday evening.  This, we thought, was the last reminder of our baby boys as we tearfully closed the door on the two toddlers laying bright eyed in their new beds.  If we could only have imagined just how many times that door would be slammed over the next two weeks we would have savored that peaceful nostalgic moment a bit more.


on duty

I would like to to submit Tuesday, June 26 as my first official day of summer vacation - and as such my first official day on 100% mom duty.  Though my last day of work was Friday the 22nd, I spent Saturday and Sunday rushing around feeling like I had other school work to do.  By the end of the day on Monday I was able to mentally b-slap myself into believing that it was, in fact Summer!  It was here, and I was missing it because I felt the need to work ahead on a lesson plan or make a to do list!  And this is how Tuesday became the first day of summer vacation.  The first day that I woke up without a to do list.


the last day of the first year of preschool

May 25th was my baby girls last day of preschool.  Moving forward they will be in the four year old class - and then they graduate high school.  It's all going so fast!  To celebrate the end of the year, the girls teachers hosted a play picnic at Ozzy's Family Fun Zone - a local haunt with mini golf, go-carts, skating, rock climbing, an arcade, and a HUGE CLIMBING ZONE!  Hurray!  We met the girls teachers and classmates at the designated time - I took a 1/2 day so that I could be with them and it was awesome, in a pivotal parenting kind of way.


Let's get this Ball Rolling... {Wedding Craft and Family Updates}

Oh!  Hi there... I'm so glad you stuck around through my 3 week absence!  Life... well.. it's been a-living and as such I've fallen tremendously behind in all things personal.  More on that in a bit, but I thought before I jumped into waxing poetic about the intricacies of my day to day going ons that you may appreciate seeing the one creative venture that I took part in over the last month and a half (if you don't count teaching and raising kids as a creative venture that is!)   The answer to my create needs was met in early June by the request to create a card box for a beach themed wedding reception.