I let it happen again - I blinked and now three months have passed - three pretty fabulous months full of amazing moments that I am now relying on my faulty memory to recall dusty details decades from now. Please, please, please let me remember SOME of it!
2013 is here - how - I'll never know. Minutes pass (and I find I forget to eat breakfast), Hours pass - I should definitely make a bathroom stop. Weeks - laundry again. Months - wow, I accomplished precious little in the last 30 days, and now a whole new year. Before I get all weepy and sad for posterity (which is inevitable for me I'm afraid - the new year brings hope, but also it fills me with remorse for the millions of things I should have done or could have done differently) I thought I would share some of the visual memories I hope to preserve from last year - even if I don't have a written dialogue to go with it. When I think back on 2012 these are some of the pictures that appear as faded watercolors in my mind.
The day the girls destroyed the chair and I destroyed my image of what kind of mom I am.
Happy tubbies with my four babies, and Alex's unforgettable smile after a very dirty moment.
Alex immediately figuring out how to leave the front gate - rendering any child proof capabilities it formerly held completely useless.
The magic of the first real snow of the season - the girls loved it, the boys were not as impressed.
Having lots of help when I go to the bathroom
The boys beginning to feed themselves...
...and chowing down on full apples -core and all.

Making the effort to spend time with each of the kiddos one on one and realizing that I am totally in love with who they are.
Reading lots and lots of stories
Smiles on the swing
Not going to bed with a wet head provided lots of girl time with my favorite ladies.
Then letting the girls return the favor...
Alex sneaking into Jacks crib at night so that they could sleep together.
Adorable tub shots
Emma, my budding fashion star
My constantly breaking, but finally fixed closet organizer was a source of much angst - now it is a sight for sore eyes! I still love my closet!
The mother of all mother's days
Finding presents in the toilet - and ceiling fans that were leaking toilet water as a result of these gifts.
Having a pretty amazing family that will find any excuse to be together...
Spring in the sandbox
and spring walks in the wagon
Sisterly Hugs
Birthday's, Derby's and white hats
Making it through another school year with the amazing love and support of Auntie (rocker, lunch maker, and pre-preschool teacher extraordinaire) and the fantastically patient and immensely flexible Nono - you have earned our undying gratitude and devotion!
Rescuing Emma from the top of the climbing gym at the Preschool end of year picnic.
Keeping our cool in the wake of the Alex's daily Hurricane aided by Tropical Storm Jack.
Ushering in summer with the sprinkler
and lots of spring and summer picnics on the porch...
. and trips to the zoo

Emma's big girl hair cut
Bella's love of flowers

I loved seeing the boys follow Tony around doing yard work all summer long.
Patriotic nail painting under the stars
Sleepovers in mommy and daddy's room
Fathers Day at the Phillies - I still giggle at the image of Jack cheering on the crowd.
A rained out Philadelphia Phillies game with Tony, Sallie, Nick, Adam, Mom and Dad - no game, but great food and great family.
The boys first hair cuts with the wonderful Miss Anna
The kiddo's fourth and second birthday party - much passed in a blur, but the memory of all four of them lined up and blowing out their candles always makes me smile.
Gigi's 90th Birthday - celebrating 90 amazing years with our family was an unforgettable experience!
A wonderful week at the beach with Nono and Grandma
End of summer bouncing at Aunt Laura and Uncle Adams house.
The first day of Preschool
Childproofing - for the first time - the entire house to ensure that Alex did not escape the home in the middle of the night.
Trying to trick Jack into eating his vegetables at dinner by mixing them with Animal Crackers (not our proudest moment).
Fall apple and pumpkin picking with Mimi and Popop
My beautiful Ladybug and Monarch Butterfly who remained all smiles in even with the Happy and Angry Garden Gnomes.
Unbelievable preschool pictures.
Thanksgiving cuddles
Hunting for our Christmas Tree
Having one child brave enough to visit Santa.
All four kids staring in silence as the first snow fell on Christmas Eve
Having a family that I am totally in love with is the best Christmas Gift of all...
Looking back on this smattering of photos I cannot believe how blessed we are - what a wonderful year. No - I didn't accomplish as much as I wanted, I fell short on several mommy and personal goals (more frequent photos being one of them) but I have a great husband, an amazing family, and four freaking awesome kids. Happy New Year everyone! Hugs to you all.
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